Hup/Satisfied  (‘Iipay Kumeyaay)

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Mandy Curo
November 22, 2024

By Mandy Curo, email: (Author pictured above)

Synopsis: As a church goer, I often get hymns stuck in my head throughout the week that I may have sung the prior Sunday. When this happens, and I really can’t get the words out of my head, I have a little fun with it. I’ve begun the tradition of taking that one lyric and turning it into my own song. In a way I am honoring the old songs I have sung all of my childhood by customizing it to my own experience and my own outlook on those words. Years ago, for weeks I was constantly singing “Don’t think me poor or deserted or lonely”. These words were written by Ira Stanphill in 1949. It is a piece of his song, “Mansion Just Over The Hilltop”. Inspired by his words from 75 years before, I sat down, grabbed my guitar and wrote “Satisfied”. The thought behind it was if this were my last day of life, what would Ido? After considering it, I decided I’d quietly in my own way say goodbye to the people and the life that I love, starting with my daughter Carmen. I’d hold her as we slept. Then to my friends and family that support me; I’d sing for them. As for my day, I’d walk my dog through a path covered by oak trees and make one more memory. And finally as you wake to find me gone, “I’d say let it be, my love, let it be.” May my life never be looked on as poor, deserted, or lonely. On the contrary, I have had more than I could dream and I am -you guessed it- Satisfied.


Uuchmihu, ‘enyaach’ehink maay menye’wichvek nyapuum nyewattches? Nyip ‘iichaaktewaa. Uuchuch purp, met’an, yas a-aam ‘Ih nyii achepaay umaaw. Carmen ‘iichaamnya’elymaam sinych kwastik. Matwam pekwilly, ‘enyaa chepakh nyawim nyasinynyewiwh tuyuuw. Aayaakm nekullh ‘Enyaa ekwach. Nyaawapch hema ‘estik, mataaskoph. Nyapum, nyahun ‘iichaam, muuyuum ‘eheyaawchh ‘ewaa ha kinyillym.‘Enyaach ‘iichaam, muuyuu ‘aamph nyehaat ekwach. ‘Enyaach mewas. ‘Enyaachuuchuch e’han temurches. Nyapum ‘iipatt ny’iichaam, uuchuch ‘eperhum tewaanyii’emii umaaw, pez uuchuch ‘enyewich ‘iichaam. Hekwany hewaak, DanielaCarmen. Kavaay kunkuuy, ‘ehatt chapap, ‘emat ‘eshash apesiiw, kenyeway spir,nyawim Maay Haa ekwach maap enyewi. Uuchuch apsiiw. ‘Hup! ‘E-en ‘Hup!  


Pilykupillyvek ‘enyaach nya’way ny’iipatt

Maanyaasequph’enyenesuumh nyawayh

Nyawim,tiinyamvek’enyaawapch nya’aamh nya’way

Ny’echeyuw,‘echeyuwh tewaa tewaa tewaa


‘Enyetiikay,metiipulp met wecham met ‘aahink ta’waa, nyii kiichaa kumaaw !

Puknaach‘emaay nyamat ‘ehemach nyewíches.




Nyaapum,pily kupillyvek ‘enyaach nya’way

Maa‘enyaa mat wemirr

Aamphmaach ekwach

Ichaachehin ‘emaay wechuw


Mehechapnyawim mechehepilh ‘enyaa newattches

‘Ih,“Kecham, nyemirr, Kecham!”


‘Enyetiikay,Puknaach hechalyp, met warr, met kenyeway

Puknaachny’iipatt’echenyaay ‘enyaach nyamat

‘Enyetiikay,metipulp met wecham met ‘aahink ta’waa nyii kiichaa kumaaw!

Puknaach‘emaay nyamat’ehemach nyewíches

‘E-en,nyaamat ‘ehemach nyewich

