About Us

Indigenous Network is a NonProfit (501c3) based in California dedicated to Indigenous Journalism.


To advance and promote a supportive system of information sharing grounded in Native Indigenous values and traditions while developing pioneering efforts to build bridges with emerging grassroots coalitions of labor and community groups in order to create a sustainable economic environment.


We are the culmination of efforts on the part of community members intent on assisting with the development of an entrepreneurial journalistic endeavor.  Dedicated to bringing the voices of the marginalized and the indigenous members of our society into the national discourse. To not only influence policy makers, but to enhance the pool of educational material to inform the mainstream about the important role of indigenous people, whose enduring presence in the development of our history and society assures its future.

Particular emphasis is given to exploring and revealing the historically strong connection that exists between Black / Indian cultures.

Our volunteers and change agents contribute to the production of a monthly print newspaper and a growing website offering indigenous peoples a platform for expression.

This ongoing project has been under guidance and supervision of Rose Davis.  A long time advocate of a sustainable and healthy, balanced living environment and whose work toward this end is her raison d'etre.

Articles published daily. Monthly hardcopy newspaper.
We adhere to standards of editorial independence adopted by the Institute for Nonprofit News. Indigenous Network retains full authority over editorial content to protect the best journalistic and business interests of our organization and the trust of our readers. We maintain a firewall between editorial  decisions and all sources of revenue.
Acceptance of foundation grants, donations, sponsorships, advertising or in-kind support from our primary doner, the California State Library, does not constitute endorsement of their services, practices or opinions.
Indigenous Network may consider donations and grants supporting coverage of particular topics, but our staff maintains editorial control of the coverage. We will cede no right to review or influence our editorial content. Unauthorized distribution of our news coverage and commentary is prohibited.
All sponsored content is clearly labeled as such. Current will make public all donors who give a total of $5,000 or more per year.
In 2022, our only doner over 5,000 was California State Library.

Published by Blackrose Communications
Member, American Indian Chamber of Commerce
Email: blackindianrose(at)gmail.com
Editor: Rose Davis

111 South 35th Street
San Diego, CA 92113
Ph (619) 534-2435
Fax (619) 512-4534

Member of:
Native American Journalist Association
New America Media
San Diego Press Club
Society of Professional Journalism

Indigenous Network Team

Executive Board Members & Key Staff

Rose Davis
President & Executive Director
Veronica Wood
Treasurer, Executive Board, Journalist
Camille Appling
Community Outreach
Kevin Thompson
Journalist & Events
Alastair Running Bear
Mel Vernon
Executive Board
Ral Christman
Executive Board
Clovis Honore
Executive Board
Makeda Ori Cheatom
Executive Board
Elaine Hall
Graphic Designer
Windy Goodloe
Copy Editor
Micheal Odergaard
Language Justice
Kena Adams
Nevada Corespondant
Bobby Wallace
Run with the Sun
Daniel Horton
Executive Board
Sis Mary Mohammed
Executive Board
Joanne Tawfilis
Event Coordinator