Governor Newsom Presents How-to List for Starting Small Business

Camille Appling
February 25, 2024

Photo: California Governon Gavin Newsom, by Gage Skidmore, Wikimedia Commons

Bayview Baptist Church welcomed Governor Gavin Newsom’s office to present about small business leadership training on January 24, 2024. The topic was expertly presented by Tara Lynn Gray, who is the CalOSBA director, Dr. Dene Starks McGee, who is the founder and CEO of DJS Global Business Solutions, and Jovan Agee, who is the CEO of Agee Solutions.

The program provided step-by-step solutions to starting small businesses. There are even programs for those with low-income, the formerly incarcerated, the disabled, veterans, the homeless and various other populations that can succeed through programs tailored for them. The presentation to the community was innovative and inspiring to populations that didn’t know they could be included in these programs.

We encourage the readers to check out the website and start thinking about owning their own businesses that help the spiritual and local environment: