Family of Indians/ Family of Indigenous (Baj"đi yev'ya) - Hwal:bay
By: Clarence Gonzales
MEGA THROW XVIII Parker, Arizona
This past weekend was “A golden weekend, with the people, one people- Siđđim”. The story of the “Haka'ama Ba:ja”, the Colorado River people and the top Plateau of the Yuman People, A’ Pa'ima (hu'hu kam), A’ Mohave.
Mohave/ Apache people were warriors of the Upland Pai. They were brutal warriors, who fought with Walapai, Havasupai , Yavapai People. In the Walapai war, in the years 1865'- 1870. The Mohave, speak similar to the Pai, but are the carriers of the Yuman language. The cross of the Aztecan-Mayan, Spanish cultures and Pai.
The “Mega Throw XVIII.” A celebration of bird singing and dancing. Was held on March twenty- first through the twenty second of twenty-twenty five. The theme for this year's event was "Amat Kahvah Kiied'em Ahot koh," which translates to "Touching/Dancing on the earth's ground brings good".
History- of MEGA Throw, On January 04, there were eight young men. With a sincere desire to sing bird. They realized that the songs as they knew them, would be lost. Knowing what happens when you pick up the gourd. The responsibilities that come. As their group ASE'S' SMAAV grew, they aged, they never forgot their roots, as Mohave People. They soon realized that their teachings would give them an awakening of Creation. The Mega throw, is in appreciation to those who shared, carried knowledge forward. ASE'S SMAAV, was honored as youth teachers of the bird culture, and they are active in their community as well as with the elders.
They say, Gud duv (long ago) Chief Irataba “Mohave: eecheeyara tav , conjointly called Yara tav, Yarate:va, Arateve; c. 1814 – 1874”- traveled through the Whipple mountains and Bill Williams areas. Through the mountains of Yucca, called Wauba Yuma Peaks and the Red Rock Mountains, in Arizona. Guiding visitors going to the Pine Springs area of the Hak’sa ha Ba:ja. In my generation, we were told the Mohave are our people.
Chief Irataba (Mohave Warrior)
Although, there were many like, Chiefs Cairook and Chiefs Sickahot. Irrataba played a big role, representing the Mohave people.
Whipple Mountains Parker Az- 'E’wi ga sala- figure Mountain/ or Sal'ga han' mah.
Chief Manataba, was Irrataba’s Nephew. Manataba, pushed for the CRIT Indian Reservation located in Parker Arizona. Manataba with his Gwela/ Nabo, were the “Origins”, of the Mohave people. On the CRIT reservation, there is Hopi, Navajo Chemehuevi and Mohave. In my opinion, a place in the desert where the “old people" became a part of the new society of mankind. There are other great things Manataba did for his people and the people of Native America, the Mountain People.
Chief Manataba (Mohave Chief)
The Mojave, in our Kathad Ganavj, Wik’ Ahme story of creation. It was said that the Mojave were designated by the little brother Đu'ja ba, who was a Walapai, to live by the river and eat fish. The lower Yuman Plateau People, who are protectors of the People. Hang'yu, Hana'ga- Han’kyu for claiming the mountain and looking after “Avi Kwa Ame”. Thank you Larry Hammond, and family for leading the younger generation. Always teaching, always singing the spirit home.
There were songs, learned from elders, songs learned from the spirit and songs passed down from lineages, that the royal family of the Yuman People shared, at MEGA THROW 2025’.
Camron Hayes, a member of the Inter- Tribal singers, group of California. Shared his experience at MEGA THROW. ”My experience at the mega throw is always heartwarming. Singing and sharing our songs learned from the elders before us, seeing old friends and making new friends. Watching the youngsters grow and participate, feeling their energy and excitement is joyous and hope I will make it back for years to come”.
There are singing, dancing competitions. Food sales, funnel cakes and E:y- yes, there was Indian Tacos. My all time favorite at any event is the Texas tornadoes.
Hualapai elders enjoying- funnel cake
As Native Americans, we have to remember that the land has a soul. Everything physical has a soul, from generation's of Ba’ gi’ yo’ Va. Mankind, in the physical realm, ascended from the bird spirit of creation to the darkness. Then the water, the land, the Mountains. Evolution, brought forth plants, trees, insects, animals then mankind.
“Ba'yaba’:yđam ba:j'ch mađ’đem’ wi:jikwi, “Long ago, Indian people had vast land”- (Hualapai Cultural).”
The Mega throw was borne out of ASE'S SMAAV'S, way of carrying the healing, teaching the way of life of our people, One People- Siđđim. E:ya Mah..!