Thoughts On Delivering The American Dream to Indigenous Communities

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Rev. Roosevelt Tarrelson
September 26, 2024

Photo: Kalapuya Elder Esther Stutzman and her two Daughters, by Oregon Dept. of Transportation, from Wikimedia Commons

Thoughts On Delivering The American Dream To Indigenous Communities

This is a Brotherhood and Sisterhood project under Rev. Roosevelt Tarrelson.

I have spent my career trying to bring interfaith and racial harmony, My early 2000 effort with Interfaith Partners of South Carolina contained an Indigenous Tribal Leader next to Governor Haley. I have realized partnering with you and Indian Voices that your Marginalized Community must anchor my final efforts.

Roosevelt Tarelsson’s US Departments of  Agriculture, Commerce, and HUD must revolve around delivering the American Dream to the Indigenous Communities.

1. We must try to locate large tracts of property for Roosevelt applies for purchase near Indigenous nations. However, property given to the tribes by the US Government is largely unproductive by design.

2. On this acreage, conducive to agricultural development, must be a partnership with Tarelson’s program and Tribal leaders. As is the program designed by Roosevelt outlines we hope to train marginalized communities, including Indigenous communities in the following areas:

• Work Force Development

• Education

• Arts and Culture, ( including Indigenous culture)

• Public Safety and Violence Prevention

• Public Health and Alcohol and Drug Prevention and Treatment.

• Community Bank/Credit Union

• Youth Recreation/Community Development and Cultural Center

• Housing

• Agriculture to provide Food Security

3. Black, Brown, Red, and Yellow Communities must be given an opportunity to live the American Dream.

4. Roosevelt’s Welfare to Work and his Agriculture Program will require development by a team chosen by Tribal Leadership to develop each location.

5. Next Step is a Zoom Meeting with interested Tribal Leaders to develop our strategy to present to the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, and HUD prior to the end of the fiscal year- September 30, 2024.