Tribal and Rural and "forgotten" rural communities may soon get housing on federal lands for housing from joint effort by HUD and the Department of the Interior. These two federal departments are the most connected to Black-Native Americans and American Indians. HUD (Housing and Urban Development) contains the department of Public and Indian Housing, and the Interior Department includes the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA).
In their Wall Street Journal Op-Ed, Secretaries Turner and Burgum concluded the announcement this way:
Overlooked rural and tribal communities will be a focus of this joint agreement. We are going to invest in America’s many forgotten communities. As we enter the Golden Age promised by President Trump, this partnership will change how we use public resources. A brighter future, with more affordable housing, is on its way.
Unused federal land may soon become affordable housing, based on joint statements from the Secretaries of HUD and the Interior.
Scott Turner and Doug Burgum, "Federal Land Can Be Home Sweet Home," Wall Street Journal,, March 16, 2025.