Encinitas, CA – On Wednesday, February 28th, the City of Encinitas voted unanimously to pass a resolution requested by high school students in the Youth v. Oil Campaign. This resolution puts the City of San Diego on the record as endorsing the Campaign for a Safe and Healthy California, joining with environmental groups to stand up to Big Oil. It commits the City of Encinitas to prioritize uniting our communities to keep the health and safety setback bill SB 1137 in place, and defeat the 2024 repeal referendum. View the meeting livestream (item begins at about 20 minutes into the meeting; this link may not work after the meeting ends, but recordings will be linked on this page).
At the council meeting, youth and community members spoke passionately on the need to ensure safe and healthy neighborhoods for all Californians. 24 organizations signed a letter of support and many people submitted public comments in addition to the 6 youth and 4 community members who testified in person. A similar resolution was unanimously passed at the City of San Diego Environment Committee just two weeks prior and is expected to go to the full council next month.
Youth v. Oil is San Diego 350’s youth-run grassroots climate action and justice campaign committed to preserving a livable climate for young people everywhere. Youth v. Oil members have worked for over two years advocating for setbacks, previously passing their End Oil Drilling Resolution at the SD City Council, which called on Gov. Newsom to support the implementation of 3200 ft setbacks and contributed to getting SB 1137 passed.
“As the City of Encinitas we’re proud to stand with frontline communities and continue our commitment to banning offshore and on-land drilling with this resolution,” said Councilmember Kellie Hinze, who brought this resolution to the council. “Today we saw how the youth of Encinitas are passionate and empowered to stand up to Big Oil and fight for our future.”
“Today’s unanimous vote to support the Campaign for a Healthy and Safe California is a great first step,” said Taarika Sethee, member of Youth V. Oil and 8th grader at Pacific Trails Middle School in Encinitas. “As youth who live in Encinitas, we need to know our elected leaders are invested in ensuring a healthy, sustainable future for all Californians.”
“We must send a clear message to Big Oil that Encinitas residents support the right of all California communities to a safe and healthy environment, free of toxic pollution produced by the oil industry,” said Isabel White, Youth v. Oil member and senior at Canyon Crest Academy and Encinitas constituent.
“Oil drilling is wreaking terrible health impacts on the communities of color. It’s imperative that we ensure that SB 1137, the lifesaving bill that creates health and safety buffer zones between these toxic sites and people’s homes, schools, playgrounds and jobs, is implemented.” said Sydney Chan, the Youth4Climateintern with SanDiego350 and a senior at Canyon Crest Academy. “Today’s vote at the Encinitas City Council is a great step for the City of Encinitas to stand with impacted communities.”