Nevada Voters Will Choose If Trump's Backward-Looking Project 2025 Will Be Enacted

Kena Adams, Las Vegas/Nevada Coordinator
July 26, 2024

By Kena Adams, Indian Voices Coordinator for Las Vegas/Nevada

July 16, 2024 in Reno Nevada, elected officials and local advocates held a press conference on the second day of the Republican National Convention to highlight the choice facing Nevadans in this election that will shape the future of America for decades to come.

Councilmember Miguel Martinez, Councilmember Devon Reese, and Nevada State Assembly candidate Erica Roth highlighted the contrast between President Biden’s and Democrats’ positive agenda for the future and Donald Trump’s and MAGA Republicans’ Project 2025 agenda.

Project 2025 is a preview of MAGA extremists’ radical wish list and plans for a second Trump term, including enacting a nationwide abortion ban, privatizing Medicare and raising costs for seniors — which would impact over 590,000 Nevadans, raising taxes on the middle class while giving handouts to billionaires, and gutting checks and balances to give Trump and his MAGA Republican allies nearly unchecked power to pass an extreme agenda.

“As President Biden is fighting to keep moving our country forward and make life better for working people, Trump is spending everyday fighting for himself and personal power,” said Councilmember Miguel Martinez. “Trump’s Project 2025 would completely dismantle key departments of the Executive Branch, including the Department of Education. This is terrifying. Our students, our teachers, and our parents need the Department of Education – this shouldn’t be a question!”

“As the Republican National Convention kicks off in Milwaukee this week, we are here today to again underscore  how high the stakes are in this election,” said Councilmember Devon Reese. “To be clear, this blueprint was written by his allies for him. Make no mistake: This is his agenda. And the difference between his agenda – and Joe Biden’s agenda could not be more clear. Trump’s Project 2025 would harm working families here in Nevada and nationwide, while President Biden is working to lower costs and deliver opportunities for all Nevadans.”

“While President Biden has laid out a positive vision, Donald Trump, JD Vance, and MAGA Republicans’ Project 2025 agenda would harm our state – including enacting a nationwide abortion ban, privatizing Medicare, and virtually gutting check sand balances to give Trump unchecked power to pass his extreme agenda,” said Erica Roth. “Donald Trump has recently tried to claim that he has no idea who is behind Project 2025, but you can add that to his long list of lies. The reality is that  Project 2025 agenda was created for Trump, by those closest to him – and it should concern every single Nevadan.”

Since this article was written, President Biden has announced he will not seek reelection. The presumptive Democratic candidate is currently Vice President Kamala Harris.